Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bright & Suttle Hair Color

My favorite color in the whole wide world is.... Purple of course! So why not color my hair purple? (Rhetorical Question)

 I love to change up my look with various colors of hair, but for the past year and a half I've been growing my orangish/blonde hair out so it can become more healthy. What allows me to keep being creative with my hair color at this point in time, are temporary colors (some people may call them rinses or semi-permanent). Yet, those are not the only solutions to my hair coloring addiction! I also use bright colored hair extensions that are located at various beauty supply stores for super cheap.

 First, I'll explain this picture to my left. My natural hair color is a dark brown that has grown out tremendously, but the ends of my hair still have a little bit of blonde on them. So, I decided to purchase this Adore Semi-Color in the shade Purple Rage. Although it is a very bright purple, I knew it wouldn't completely show up on my dark brown hair. On the other hand, it does give my hair a purple tint in the sunlight or a well lit room which looks really cool. The rinse also showed up on my blonde ends more of a burgundy purple which also looked nice. So I was very satisfied on how it turned out, and people actually notice it too.

Oh and don't mind me being in my car lol

Now, here's another option for those people who don't want to give their hair a colored tint, or want to try out both like myself on the picture to the right. Okay, the purple tint just wasn't enough color for me. So, my friends gave me some left over purple hair extensions that they made clip-in pieces out of. You can easily make clip-in pieces out of the extensions and place them anywhere you would like on your head. Instead, what I did was use bonding glue and placed a couple of pieces under my bangs and behind my ear to give myself a 'peek-a-boo' effect. This made my purple hair stand out much more. Using bonding glue can last a couple of weeks in your hair, but if you only want color for a day then clip-ins would suite you much better.

 Putting a little bit of color in your hair can be super fun.  Don't let people talk you out of it or make you think that you'll look 'hood', 'ghetto, 'rock-starish'.. because remember--the way you carry yourself and act is how you will be perceived.  I hope this gives you some inspiration to change your look up and become a bit more adventurous!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 Different Ways I Achieve A Top Knot Bun

Top Knots are a big trend right now.. They're easy and fast to do. I decided to make a tutorial so you all can see how I achieve my Top Knot Bun.  Then, I figured I should go ahead and show the different ways you can achieve the look as well.. Because one way of doing it may  not work for you. So, now you have options! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Styling your hair with bandanas..

We all have bad hair days, but no worries lol... there are solutions!  The usual way most people deal with bad hair days are to wear hats.. But not everyone is a hat person.  So, what I do most of the time is wear bandanas.  In these pictures.. I've recently taken down my sewn in weave, but I haven't had time to style my hair.  I don't like showing the nape area of my head if i need a relaxer (or in other words 'I don't like showing my kitchen area of my head when it's nappy' lol). I also wear these when i have extensions and want to wear a ponytail or bun.. a bandana can hide the tracks around your hairline.  So, if you have the same problems.. Check out the steps below and then different ways you can wear the front of your hair with bandanas.

First, fold your bandana like shown in the first block of the picture (you can also fold it one more time in half to make it thinner than what is shown in the photo).  Then, put it around your head and tie it in a knot. I know.. It's super easy :)


These are example of how you can change up the front of your hair
1. You can tuck the ends of the bandana in (if you don't like them sticking out)
2. A flat twist
3. A French or African braid
4. A hump
5. Bangs (of course!)